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Managing your workspace

An overview of permissions in Equals

Abbey Lauren Minondo avatar
Written by Abbey Lauren Minondo
Updated over a week ago

This article will cover how collaboration works in Equals by giving an overview of different permissions for datasources and workbooks.


Your Equals workspace is your company account, and you can enable auto-join so that all users with your domain are automatically invited to your workspace upon account creation. You can do this from the "Settings" page.

There are several pages in your workspace:

  • Your Home shows all of the folders you have access to, and all queries and workbooks you have access to that are not stored within a folder.

  • The Workbooks page shows all of the workbooks you created or have access to, whether they are stored in a folder or not.

  • The Templates page shows all of the templates you can use to jumpstart your Equals workbook (learn more about templates).

  • The Saved Queries page shows the saved queries you created or have access to.

To find anything in your workspace, apply filters by Content Type, Creator, and Last Updated date range from your Home, or the Workbooks and Saved Queries pages.

Roles and Permissions

You can set different roles and permissions for members of an Equals workspace.

Editor - Has full permissions to modify workbooks shared with them, query from all datasources shared with them, invite others, and change permissions for workspace members.

Viewer - Can only view but not make changes to specific workbooks shared with them.

Guest - Not a member of a workspace, but someone invited to view specific workbooks. These users will typically have an email domain different from your company domain and are usually investors, advisors, or other stakeholders keeping tabs on your company.

Sharing datasources

You can share access to real time data with anyone in Equals. This will allow users to write any query from the datasource. Once you share a datasource with a user, they will be able to query that datasource as if they were the user who set it up.

To share a datasource, go to the datasources tab from the Equals home screen. Choose the datasource you'd like to share and click "Share" in the top right.

You can then enter users by email address that you'd like to share the datasource with, or share the datasource with everyone in your workspace.

Sharing workbooks

To share a workbook click "Share" in the top right of a workbook. From the share modal, you can set the following permissions to determine workspace users' level of access to your workbook:

  • Read only - All users in your workspace, including Editors, will only be able to view your workbook and will not be able to make changes to it.

  • Can edit - All Editors in your workspace will be able to edit your workbook. Viewers will not be able to edit your workbook.

  • Dashboard only - All users in your workspace, including Editors, will only be able to view the dashboard included in your workbook.

Workbooks can be shared by email address. When sharing a workbook by email address you can choose if each individual user will have read only or edit access.
Workbooks can also be shared by workspace, so that everyone with the link at the workspace can view the workbook.

Finally, you can share workbooks with "Anyone with link". This will allow anyone with the link to view your workbook, regardless of whether they have an Equals account. Users without an Equals account will only be able to view your workbook as an Anonymous user. Users with an Equals account will have "Read only" or "Can view" access to your workbook, depending on the permission level you set.

You can also share multiple workbooks at the same time by storing them in a folder, and then sharing access to the folder (learn more about folders).

Sharing a workbook with queried data

If you share a workbook with connected sheets, all users will be able to see the query for the connected sheets. However only users to whom the datasource is also shared (regardless of whether they have workbook edit access) will be able to run queries. This prevents unauthorized access to your datasources.

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