Snowflake connection guide

Connect a Snowflake warehouse

Ben McRedmond avatar
Written by Ben McRedmond
Updated over a week ago

Finding connection details

To connect to Snowflake you need four pieces of information: Account URL, Database name, Username, Password. The Default schema field is optional.

  1. To find your Account URL, open your Snowflake dashboard, go to “Admin” in the sidebar, and then “Accounts”.

  2. Find the account you want to connect to (you may have one or multiple), hover over the name, and click the link button to copy the URL. Paste this value (it should be of the form into Equals.

  3. To find your Database name, click “Data” in the dashboard sidebar, make sure “Databases” is selected under “Data”.

  4. You will now see a list of your databases, copy the Database name of the database you want into Equals.

  5. Finally, you need to enter the Username and Password with access to the database. If you’re unsure of what to enter here ask for help from whoever set up Snowflake for your company.

Allowing access from our IP

You may need to allow connections from Equals IP address. To do so…

  1. In the Snowflake dashboard go to “Admin” and then “Security”, ensure “Network policies” is selected in the tab bar at the top.

  2. If you have no active policies, Equals should be able to access your database. If you have an active policy, continue following these steps.

  3. As you may have only one active policy at a time, click the “…” menu beside your active policy and click “Edit Policy”.

  4. In the modal paste Equals’ IP address in the text field under “X allowed IP addresses” and press enter.

  5. Click “Save changes”. Equals should now be able to access your database.

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