Data notes

Add notes next to queried data that persist

Abbey Lauren Minondo avatar
Written by Abbey Lauren Minondo
Updated over a week ago

Equals will allow you to add notes in the columns next to your queried data. These notes will persist in the right row upon refreshing your query.

In order to get started, identify the line item from your query where you'd like to add notes. You'll want to select the "Edits and notes" button. To maintain notes next to queried data between query runs, you'll need to select a column that uniquely identifies each row in the data. This is usually an โ€œidโ€ column.

Once you've selected the "id" column, you can go ahead and add your notes. If you refresh the query, you'll see that your notes stay in line with the correct row. You can always remove data modifications by clicking on "Edits and notes" again and selecting the trash can icon.

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